Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Irrational Fear.

Alright, it’s confession time. I am 24 years old and afraid of the dark. Yes, I am aware that the dark is a fear most children have and later grow out of, but for some reason I never did.

Because of my fear I make a point of avoiding horror movies, and don’t listen in on ghost stories. I believe that if you “mess with evil” you invite it into your life, so no Ouija Boards or psychic stuff either. You’d think that since I go out of my way to avoid fueling my fear, that I would be able to overcome it, unfortunately that is not the case.

Thankfully, I have the most wonderful husband in the world who makes me feel safe from the things that go “bump in the night.”

Let me tell you a story about what he is willing to do for his irrational wife…

Josh and I take turns choosing a TV show and then watch it together, for example mine was Scandal. Now that it’s his turn, we are watching The Walking Dead. (Not exactly my idea of awesome and borderlines on the no scary movies line).

One night after watching an episode of The Walking Dead, we were getting ready for bed and just when I was about to be comfortable, a horrible thumping noise started.

The rational side of me started in with, “it’s just the upstairs neighbors,” but it started to sound like it was coming from in our apartment!

I nudged Josh and said I was freaked out.

My adorable man got out of our comfy bed and started an all-out apartment search. He checked all of our closets, the bathroom, and finally discovered the noise was just dishes shifting in our dishwasher.

I know that my fear of the dark is silly but I am so thankful to have a husband who goes out of his way to put my irrational mind at ease.

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