Thursday, December 3, 2015

People watching

Basketball games are interesting places. If you take a moment and look around the gym, chances are that you will come across some super hilarious interactions, reactions, and more.

Tonight I went with my parents to Aidan’s sophomore basketball game and it was quite the experience. Unfortunately, the game ended in a loss but it was a great game which led us to decide to stick around for the varsity. Which of course is when a lot of crazy things happen.

I for the longest time didn’t know where to look. There is the obvious answer, the game, but with so much happening all around the gym my attention was drawn elsewhere.

First there was the student section, which was HUGE. Marengo has always been good about showing up for athletic events, and tonight was no exception. The students were clad in maroon, bandannas, posters, and their most important thing, LOUD voices. They were chanting, cheering, taunting, and legitimately screaming. The students were hilarious to watch.

Then there are the coaches. Our schools coach is incredibly loud, and he has to be in order to communicate with the boys. He is very theatrical, loud, and commands your attention. The opposing coach was a side-show. I think he spent more time on the court than his players did and he was not the nicest person from what I could hear in their huddles. I think that coaches are excellent sources of entertainment.

Of course, referees are no exception to being the subject of attention. From crappy calls, to arguing with players, there is nothing like hollering at the ref and watching them try their hardest to ignore everyone.

And I could not post this without mentioning the alumni who are in town visiting from college watching their old team. Re-living the glory days, thinking they could do better. I really don’t even need to expand on this, do I?

Tonight I was in for a real treat though. Directly across the gym on the other set of bleachers was an older woman, and clearly an avid fan of the other team. With each call against her team, she would flail her body and yell at the referees. I have never seen an older woman react in such a way, and it was comical.

I highly recommend taking a look around at the next big public event you are at, specifically if it’s a sporting event. The things you can pick up on are priceless, and if your team isn’t doing hot, it provides you with something fun to pay attention to.

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