Monday, January 18, 2016


Yesterday my husband almost poisoned us. (Don’t freak out, it’s a funny story. But if you have a weak stomach definitely skip this post…)

When my husband and I woke up yesterday we were both hungry, but not for typical breakfast foods. So when he asked me what I wanted for breakfast, my response was, “mashed potatoes!” My husband, being the wonderful man he is jumped up and began to make them, despite me saying he didn’t have to since they are so much work.

Before long, I had a bowl of mashed potatoes in my hands and I was scooping in a little sour cream to mix in.

We sat together on our couch watching TV, eating our potatoes, and the whole time I knew something was off. The potatoes just had a strange taste and with each bite I was trying to pinpoint what exactly it was.

After several bites and the inability to figure out that strange taste, I put the bowl down and said that there was something different about the potatoes. Josh agreed and said he couldn’t figure it out either. Giving it some more thought, I decided that the sour cream must have been bad. It was almost gone when I opened it so I figured that had to have been the problem.

Naturally, when you realize you just injested bad dairy you mentally begin to make yourself feel nauseous. So for the next few hours we tried to cover up the gross feelings in our stomachs by eating whatever we could find and chugging down liquids. Of course, the feelings were all in our head but that doesn’t mean it felt any less real.

When lunch rolled around, I decided I was going to make mac and cheese. And that is when it happened…

I was on the phone with my dad as I was draining the pasta and beginning to mix in the ingredients… I opened the milk and out of habit, smelled it…

It was FOUL. I immediately began gagging and trying to not throw up. I whipped the headphones off my head so my dad wouldn’t be subjected to the noises and booked it out of the kitchen. The smell that came out of that carton was the worst I had ever come across. Absolutely horrible.

And my husband used it to make the potatoes!

Thankfully neither of us got actually sick, but this is one story I plan to use to give him a hard time for a while.

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