Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Salads... eh.

I was not made to only eat salad.

Josh and I made a commitment at the beginning of the year to become healthier. That means we are watching our diets and not overindulging too often, as well as making workouts a priority.

Well, today I missed breakfast because I hit the ground running. So my first meal of the day was salad. And not even a delicious salad filled with great things like chicken, but a boring salad with the only 2 veggies we had in the fridge (peppers & carrots) and dressing that wasn’t super awesome. (Have I painted the picture that lunch was a taste bud let-down?)

This salad did not hit the spot and left my stomach gurgling. So annoying.

It’s been about 3 hours since we had lunch and to be totally honest, my stomach is crazy unsettled! I have been fighting the urge to vomit for the last 30 minutes and all I can think about is the fact that pizza wouldn’t have done this to me…

(I am the type of person who LOVES comfort foods. Give me a pizza, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc and I will be set).

Having a salad by itself is something I do not look forward to, nor something I would choose if I wasn’t trying to be healthier. And the way I am feeling right now is just confirming this thought process.

Thankfully, I can rest on the fact that these lifestyle changes will benefit us in the long run.

**(I may or may not have had a giant bowl of chips after posting this...)**

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