Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Over the weekend I began thinking about Proverbs 31, in particular what it means to be a Proverbs 31 wife. So I have decided that I am going to make a conscious effort to study and understand that chapter in the Bible.

My goal is to take one verse at a time and break it down. I want to understand the specific meaning of the words used. I want to compare the historical significance of certain ideas with what would be their current equivalent. Ultimately, I want to learn how I can implement what the passage says and grow as a wife.

Yesterday I began my Proverbs 31 journey and already am completely amazed by what I discovered. So I want to take you through my process.

Proverbs 31:10            “Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies.”

First I decided to define “virtuous” and “capable.” (I used the Webster’s Online Dictionary). Virtuous means, “having or showing high moral standards or chaste.” Capable means, “having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to achieve a specified thing.” These definitions alone opened up a new level of understanding on the verse.

Then I wanted to have a clear knowledge on the term “moral” as found in the virtuous definition. The definition of moral is, “concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.”

I was fascinated. These definitions brought to life a verse I have read probably hundreds of times. It is building a great foundation for the rest of the chapter.

However, I didn’t stop there. My next thought was, “Why is the virtuous and capable wife more precious than rubies? Why not diamonds?” In our culture diamonds are symbolic of wealth, engagement, marriage, and status. It’s rare to hear (if ever) that a person wants a ruby. So I wanted to know why that stone was the one used in comparison.

So I hit google and stumbled upon a website that talked about the various stones mentioned in the Bible. I learned so much about rubies! I had no idea that rubies are the rarest precious gemstone in the world. The website said that diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires have been found weighing hundreds of carats, whereas a high quality ruby weighing even 20 carats is rare! Also, the price of a gem-quality ruby will far exceed the price of an equivalently sized diamond. Who would have thought?

No wonder Solomon compared a virtuous and capable wife to rubies in expression of their rarity.

In one day it already feels like I am learning so much about what kind of wife I am called to be. It has been a long time since I have taken the time to work through a particular Bible verse or passage and I am thrilled to be going through Proverbs 31.

The ultimate goal for me in this process is to be the wife the Bible describes. I want to honor God and my husband through my role as a wife. I encourage you, married or not, to explore the calling God has given to us as women.

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