Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Home Sweet Home

I think that the best compliment Josh and I have received about our apartment is that it is, “comfortable & cozy.” Seriously, is there a better compliment? I think not.

When my family came to visit on Sunday those are the words they used to describe our place… as they were becoming engulfed by our couch. Haha. It was wonderful to see our family relaxing and enjoying the space that we have worked so hard on.

So today I spent some time taking inventory on what it is exactly that makes our space so perfect and inviting.

First, we have this fabulous couch. It’s the size of a three cushion couch, but on the left side is a chaise. Atop the couch are eight pillows of varying sizes and textures. There is no reason to be uncomfortable as you sit upon our couch.

If you were to catch a chill, at the foot of the chaise you will find a basket filled with plenty of blankets. They are incredibly soft and huge! Josh and I have a very specific sense of touch, so we are very picky about the blankets that are in our home. So when it comes to something cozy to cuddle up in, you will be spoiled!

Then we also have worked hard to set a relaxed atmosphere. The walls and shelves are filled with pictures of our families and most amazing memories! There are candles everywhere setting a comfortable and home-y tone.

I LOVE our home! I think that it is so important to fill your space with things that make you comfortable and happy. You deserve to have a place that you love coming home to.  

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