Wednesday, November 18, 2015


One of the many things that make relationships great is that we all have differing views and opinions on things. Maybe it has to do with the way we were brought up, or perhaps it’s something we pick up over time, but the opinions we form enable us to have in-depth conversations on topics that actually matter. (I don’t know about you, but I’d rather talk to someone on a real level than a surface one, any day).

However, since we have differing opinions on hot-button topics, I think that it is important to recognize this and take a look at how you present your ideas. I can sit back with someone who has the exact opposite view point from me and truly have a pleasant conversation. I can also have a really negative experience doing the same thing. That is why it is important to tread lightly in those scenarios.

If you are going to step up to the plate and discuss something with a person whose opinion is not the same as yours, it is important to be smart about it.

Do not go into the conversation like a bat out of hell, trying to prove your point to be right while belittling and attacking. That makes you look bad. If you can’t support your opinion while keeping a level head, maybe you shouldn’t talk about it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and chances are they have valid reasons for feeling that way. You don’t have the right to be rude to someone based on a differing opinion.

The next thing you should be aware of is your knowledge level on a topic. If you enter into a conversation and all you can do to support your views is say something like, “I don’t believe that’s the way it is” you look uninformed. If you have a strong conviction one way or another, be informed about it. Have facts to back up your views. And PLEASE do not speak on someone’s behalf by saying, “I don’t think so-and-so would do/say that so that’s not right.” Who are you to speak on someone else’s behalf? Do the research and know the facts before you open your mouth.

My brother, Nolan, is amazing at talking to people who don’t share the same views as him. He treats them with respect and admits when he doesn’t know about a specific topic. Nolan knows his facts and when a topic interests him, does the research to know as much as he can. The opinions he forms are fact based and he can defend why he sides certain ways.

With the world in the state that it’s in, it is important to not just hear things the way we want to. It is our responsibility to be informed and make the best possible decisions based on what we believe. Treat the people you converse with respectfully. 

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