Wednesday, April 20, 2016

DIY Ready

When Josh and I move into our new place, there are many things that I am looking forward to. There are obvious perks like, him working and our income level going up, double the living space we currently have, and our own garage. But there are some other things that have also got me excited about this move.

If you follow me on Pinterest you may notice that I like to pin things about repurposing old furniture or design elements. Prior to getting married, repurposing became one of my hobbies, it especially helped as we planned our wedding décor as it enabled us to have things that were one of a kind and could be reused.

Since our wedding I have not had the luxury of repurposing. A tiny one-bedroom apartment, on the 11th floor, downtown Madison does not exactly allow for painting, sanding, or rehab projects. Plus, even if I took a chance, made the mess, and got creative, there was nowhere for me to store incomplete projects, or even finished ones.

Thankfully, in just a few short weeks I will be able to get back into the swing of things. It will be prime garage sale season and it’s always easy to find something unique that can be redone.

Besides, with all that extra space Josh and I are going to have to add to our furniture collection. Maybe a re-purposed dining room table is in our future… (We haven’t had a table since we got married, courtesy of a lack of space).

Here are some of my former DIY projects:

Old coffee table given new life with paint, kept original hardware

Headboard created from Cabinet Doors
Headboard after adding padding and fabric covering

Top: old fishing bucket re-purposed for floral arrangement
Old stand repainted for cupcakes at wedding

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