Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Law School

Today I have got to brag on my husband! After years of dedication, commitment and sacrifice, Josh is graduating from Law School! I am so incredibly proud of him.

His journey through school has been wonderful to watch and it’s has been fun to see how everything falls into place.

When we were seniors in high school and Josh got into his accident, he went through a period where he did not care about school at all. Which I imagine is a normal behavior when you go through something incredibly traumatic. I remember conversations where he would share with me how little he cared about graduating, going to college, or much of anything really.

After we graduated high school, Josh went to community college and pursued classes in different areas of study, but ultimately didn’t really have a firm direction.

His next step after graduating community college, was to attend Illinois State to get his Bachelor’s Degree. There he pursued sports writing but the deeper he dove into it, the more he realized that it wasn’t for him.

And then he took a negotiation class.

Next thing I know, Law School is on the table and he is studying for the LSAT. He worked so hard to get into one of the top schools and I remember each phone call when the admission letters rolled in. I was so excited for him.

Josh chose the University of Wisconsin Law School and for the last 3 years he has put in so much effort and commitment. Today is the day all of his classes end and he begins prepping for his finals. In just over a week, he will graduate and already has accepted a job offer.

I’ve said it more than once in this post, but I am so proud of how far Josh has come. He deserves all of the good things that are coming to him as a result of his diligence and hard work. He is going to make a fantastic lawyer and be blessing to many.

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