Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I have been married for 52 days now. (I know, what an amazing accomplishment! I’m almost to Kim & Kris’ record! Sorry, that was low…)

One of the best things about being married I have already touched on, my husband is my protector. A few posts back I shared my fear of the dark and the extreme measures Josh goes through to make me feel safe, like checking for zombies and other insane things in our closets.

So let’s talk about another thing I can’t handle, bugs. I’m talking spiders, june bugs, ants, really anything that may decide it’s OK to crawl on or near me.

For the first few weeks in our apartment it seemed like every other day there would be a GIANT black spider in our shower. I would cry out for Josh and he’d come in, smack it and then rinse it down the drain. This little dance went on for like 3 weeks! That little spider kept coming back!

Yes, I know that it may not have been the exact spider, but I think it was.

Finally that little bugger came back while Josh was at work so I knew I would have to take care of it to ensure it didn’t escape our tub and wander our house. I grabbed a shoe and SMEARED that spider then washed it down the drain. Want to know why I’m so confident that it was the same spider? Since I smashed it, it hasn’t come back! That little guy was resilient.

The next bug incident came when Josh and I were getting ready for bed about 2 weeks ago.  We are all cozy when all of a sudden I saw a HUGE ant!!! He was crawling on our covers! I freaked out and pointed and Josh went to get a tissue. GROSS!!!

I didn’t even want to use the blankets because I was afraid it may be a pack animal! I know, that’s not very likely but why was he in my bed!!!!

Anyways, having my husband there to take care of me during the freak instances of life means so much. I love that I can just point with a grossed out face and he knows to get the bug that must be lurking. Or that I can tap him in the middle of the night and he’ll go check our closets for creepers. He’s pretty incredible and I am so blessed and feel so safe, even from my crazy fears.

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