Today I want
to encourage you to try new things and expand your horizons. Now, I obviously
don’t know what that looks like for your individually, but I believe it is important
to always introduce new things into your life.
For example,
when I travel I love to experience the culture of the town I am in. And that
goes for when I am abroad and when I am within the states. No matter where you
go the place you are in has something special to offer you.
When Josh
and I were on the cruise with Nerium last year, one of the days was docked in
Nassau, Bahamas. Since it was a free day to do whatever we wanted, we decided
to explore the town. We literally walked all over. We got to see the homes of
the people who live there, go in and out of the shops (which were geared for
tourists, but have their own charm), and we got to see the “Queens Staircase.”
That day was
by far my favorite of the whole trip. And we capped it off by cooling off at
the beach and then bar hopped the whole way back to the ship where we chatted
with locals and got to hear about the Bahamas from them. It was so fun!
And if I am
being honest, Josh and I probably would never have chosen on our own to go to
the Bahamas, but I am so glad that we were gifted that amazing trip! It fueled
our desire to explore this world we live in and see new things.
obviously traveling abroad may not be for you, and even if it is, it’s costly
and not something you can do whenever you want. But you can still expand your
horizons, even locally. Josh and I also make an effort to try new cuisines.
When we first got together neither of us would have ever given sushi a try, and
now we order it every once in a while when we want something different.
So go forth
and try something new! You never know what you will discover about yourself!