Monday, February 8, 2016

Personality Types

Have you ever struggled with understanding yourself? (I sure hope I am not the only one!)

Recently, I have been dealing with some inner struggles about who I am. I don’t want to be defined by the different titles I have, but rather by the core of who I am. Does that make sense? For example, I understand my titles in life right now are: wife, daughter, sister, friend, sponsor, Nerium Rep, etc. But none of those titles really encompass who I am.

So I have been on this quest to further understand myself, how I’m wired, and why I react to things the way I do. And I reverted back to something I learned about years ago, The Myers-Briggs Personality Test.

It was awesome! I re-took the test on Saturday and the results were exactly what they have always been. The only difference this time around is that I was ready to dive into that result, and that was what I did.

I am an ESFJ, (if you take the test that will make sense). Reading the descriptions and then Google searching for more information really helped me to understand myself in a new way.

I highly recommend taking the test yourself and learning more about who you are. It really is a fascinating way to see yourself from a new perspective.

Here is the link I used:

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