Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ecclesiastes 9:9

Last night Josh and I finally made the time to get back into the routine of doing our weekly Bible Study together. Since our move, most of our time together has been making sure all of our T’s are crossed and I’s dotted. From making sure bills are paid on time, important places have our new address, and getting settled, it’s been a little hectic and our Bible Study fell by the wayside.

So while he was at work yesterday, I put in some time and found a devotional we could do together.

I found a website called Simply One and chose one of the several topics they had listed. Here is the link to the exact one we did last night,
It ended up being about cherishing the time you have with your spouse and enjoying one another. It references the verse Ecclesiastes 9:9. The translation in the Contemporary English Version of the Bible reads like this, “Life is short, and you love your wife, so enjoy being with her. This is what you are supposed to do as you struggle through life on this earth.”

I loved it. So often we take for granted the time that we have with each other. We get caught up in the things we have to do and figure that we will make time for one another later. Well, that is not how God designed our marriages to be. We should be enjoying each other all of the time, not just when the schedule permits or when we squeeze in a date night.

It prompted Josh and I to recognize the progress we have made and the areas we want to continue to improve. For example, while Josh was still in school we did a lot of things separately. He had his priorities and I had mine. Then at the end of the day we would converge to have dinner and watch TV. Now that he has graduated and settled in at his new job, our priorities have welded together and we are doing more with one another than before. It’s nothing for him to offer to run an errand with me now, whereas before he would have rather had down time. And we do a lot more impromptu mini dates, like running out for ice cream or heading to the beach.

The time we spend together now is much more deliberate and we truly do enjoy each other’s company. We are finding a balance between making sure things get done and enjoying ourselves.

This is a concept I don’t ever want us to miss. I want Josh and I to always enjoy the time we have together, even if it’s just a quick run to grab milk. At the end of the day, God blessed us with each other to do life with and I don’t want to squander it. 

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