Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Intentional Despite the Craziness

When you get married your marriage has to become your number one priority, and trust me, there are a ton of things that go into making a marriage function. There are bills to be paid, household chores, balancing budgets, preparing meals, keeping the house stocked with food and toiletries, balancing family/friend relationships, and of course maintaining your relationship with your spouse, (And caring for anything else that breathes in your home, for us that’s Harvey).

This past week was a great reminder for me of just how intentional you have to be with making time for connecting with your spouse.

We picked up Harvey a little over a week ago and with that came big changes to our daily routines. Our mornings no longer consist of me sitting on the bed chatting with Josh as he prepares for work. We are feeding Harvey, letting him go outside, and trying to keep him from running off with a shoe. Last week, we also had several of our bills come in, a few things that needed to be signed and returned, vet appointments, work obligations, and your typical household stuff. Plus, we spent our whole weekend with family.

My sleepy boys on Sunday night
Sunday night, as we sat on the couch purely exhausted, I realized that I couldn’t remember the last conversation Josh and I had where the sole purpose wasn’t to get something checked off a “To-Do List.”

Sure it had been a busy week, but that to me isn’t a good enough excuse to let connecting with my husband fall by the wayside. Especially since I know life will be filled with busy weeks where things get absolutely crazy, and I refuse to let my marriage fall to the backburner.

So I brought it up to Josh, saying that I know we spent a ton of time together in the past week but felt like we hadn’t actually had a conversation. He agreed and we have decided to work on it together. We want to be able to connect even when our life gets nuts, and that’s important.

At the end of a crazy time in life I don’t want to look at my husband and realize I had been neglecting our relationship and be left trying to reconnect. I want us to be standing together at the end of craziness feeling like we didn’t skip a beat, but I know that we will have to be intentional about it.

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