Wouldn’t it be nice if instead of showcasing something
ugly and negative, we gave the spotlight to something powerful and positive?
I would much rather hear about the restaurant that offers
free food to the homeless than hear about some disgruntled individual who chose
to act out in violence.
There needs to be a shift in the country. People need to
stop giving negativity all of their attention. I believe that if positive things
received more air-time than negative, the negative junk would soon take a
drastic drop.
But the change starts with you. The way you interact with
people and the image you project to the world. The things you waste your time
with and the things you choose to talk about.
Say hello to the elderly gentleman you pass on the sidewalk.
Offer to bring the cart back to the corral for the mom trying to get kids in
car seats. Hold open the door for those coming in behind you.
For example, this week I met our neighbor’s little girls.
They live in the apartment above us and were outside playing when I went to
take Harvey out. They asked if they could pet him and I of course said yes. As
they asked questions about him, I remembered that Josh and I had noticed their
chalk drawings on the sidewalk leading up to their apartment door. Since their
sidewalk is shorter than ours (our door is further from the parking lot), I
invited to girls to use our sidewalk for their chalk drawings anytime they
wanted more creative space.
The conversation pretty much ended there and I brought
Harvey back inside. That afternoon I was going to take him out again and
discovered they had taken me up on the offer to color on our sidewalk. And one
of the messages was very sweet, “You are the best nabbers (neighbors) ever!”
Spread kindness! It comes full circle.
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