Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Putting off projects

Transitions in life are hard. Especially for someone like me who does not handle change very well. I like things to stay the way they are and prefer it when changes occur slowly over a large amount of time. The less obvious a change is to me, the better.

I cling to the things I know, the things that make me comfortable and feel reassured. Routine and order are important to me because they provide a sense of stability.

Yet, I find myself in the midst of plenty of change almost around every corner. Interestingly enough, the current changes I find myself in the middle of are opening doors for me that I never thought would open.

There has been a project on my heart that I have wanted to tackle for years. It’s been a dream of mine that I have been putting off and always finding reasons why I couldn’t “waste” time going after it.

(I’m being vague on purpose, I haven’t convinced myself yet that I will even finish it and would hate to have it out there).

With my husband working full-time and my business growing steadily, I have found extra time in my day that I could fill by chasing my dream. When I first realized that I had this extra time, I did everything in my power to fill it. I deep cleaned the apartment, organized all of the paperwork we have accumulated, and done my best to make our home more functional. And as you can imagine, I ran out of stuff to do that would keep me “too busy” for my dream.

So now, each day I have dedicated time to put in the work and stop putting off the one thing I have thought about doing since I was in the 6th grade.

And that got me to thinking. There has to be other people out there just like me. People who have a dream in their heart that has been tugging at them for years, but they haven’t taken the time to do it. It’s sad to think that quite possibly, every person is ignoring a piece of themselves and not doing something that would bring them joy.

If you have something that has been on your mind and in your heart that you have been putting off, please stop. Choose today as the day you stop ignoring something that would fulfill you. Remember that you only have one shot to live this life, don’t spend it pushing down a desire. 

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