Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Creating Time for Devotionals

For Starters: I do not receive compensation for sharing ANY of the products I use on this blog! I just love them and like to share!

I'm sure I have mentioned before that I do daily devotions. Well, today I want to dive a little deeper into that with you and share some of the things that work for me. Especially since I have not always been faithful to my time with God.

In fact, the reason I am so good at them now doesn’t even stem from my spiritual background. The company I work for actually recommends taking time every day to read 10 pages of a good book, specifically, personal development books. So, after some time I decided that I should use the Bible and a devotional book because what better way to develop than to spend time with the One who created me?

It was not easy for me at first. I couldn’t remember to open my Bible to save my life. Everything got in the way and by the time things were quiet at night, I would fall asleep the second I hit the pillow. But, then I realized I need to actually schedule my time. I am incredibly organized and keep a daily planner at all times. I am the type of person who can’t go to sleep unless everything is crossed off, so I figured, add my daily devotional time to the planner! It worked like a charm and I haven’t missed a day since putting it on my schedule.  If you think that will work for you, give it a try! Any planner will do, but I use one that my company promoted to us and it’s like a planner/organizer on steroids! It’s definitely pricier than the ones you get at the store, but I am crazy about it! My inner-planner loves it! Here’s the link:
(http://store.davidbyrdconsulting.com/store/p/144-Next-Level-Achievement-System-Deluxe-Edition-with-Tablet-Sleeve.aspx) Plus it comes with a CD that walks you through how to use the planner, and it’s creator, David Byrd is just phenomenal! (I do not receive compensation for sharing ANY of the products I use on this blog!)

I have discovered that the best time for me to do my devotional is right away in the morning. (Sometimes, Harvey will join me and snuggle while I read, it’s a special time of the day!)

Now that you know how I am able to make time for it daily, I will share my method.
Harvey interrupting my prayer journaling

I start out my Devotional time with my Bible, (I started in the book of Joshua). So what I do is open up to where I left off and read a Chapter or if it’s a short one, I will read two. My goal is to take my time, read what each Chapter has to say and contemplate it. I have found that doing it that way has led me to retain more than if I just read and read. But, do what works for you. If you like to read several chapters at once, go for it!

Next I pick up my devotional book. Right now I am reading “Let God’s Word Empower Your Prayers” by Stormie Omartian (I do not receive compensation for sharing ANY of the products I use on this blog!). It’s awesome! Each day has a short verse followed by a real life application and a prayer. I love it and it has been especially fun the few times my Biblical reading topic coincided with the topic in my Devotional.  

After reading my devotional, I grab my prayer journal. It’s just a leather bound empty journal that I found at Home Goods (I’m obsessed with Home Goods). I keep a pen attached to it at all times so I never have to waste time searching too. I open it up and begin writing my prayers to God.

This morning routine is something I thoroughly enjoy. It has enhanced my faith and been such a positive way to begin my day. I hope you will give it a try and add things that will make it a great experience for you, maybe coffee or some light music? 

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